Simple Ramblings of a Mad Woman

Monday, March 14, 2005

a month away...

I just realized it's been almost a month since I've updated my blog. Thinking back, a tonne of things have happened.

My dad was admitted to hospital for a few days after he passed out (he's fine now).

Then I found out I got into McMaster's Internal Medicine program (YAY...exactly what I wanted)

Then I came back from Peterborough to friend's father died suddenly (made a day trip to TO for the funeral...very sad), now studying for exams and doing call 1in 4 nights.

And I thought life was going to get simpler :P

I now have to find a place to live in Hamilton (any suggestions...I'm looking for something central) and buy a car (anyone willing to help...I know very little about cars)

Other than that, nothing new in the last month ;)


  • hamilton - it's better to live in the west end -- nearer Mac - feels more alive, and everything in Mac is geared towards the students. Camelot towers has a lot of med students living ther but let me warn u - mice are a problem! Downtown hamilton is a bit run-down and not the safest place in the world, so if u dont want the west end (def do NOT move east), i'd live in the mountains or better...Dundas. that is IF u have a car. Email me about anything u want to know - i'm the hamilton expert! heheh

    By Blogger F.S.Kabir, at 8:18 PM  

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