Simple Ramblings of a Mad Woman

Monday, January 31, 2005

Iraqi Elections

So the Iraqi elections are complete...obviously admist some violence. And in it's completion, has completed the "mission" of George W. Bush...if you listen to his current arguments, it all boils down to fighting terrorism and bringing democracy all over the world. So the "terror" is gone (ie Saddam) and democracy has reared its head in Iraq. Now what?

It is hard for a democracy to work in a young country which usually lacks in the infrastructure that is place in the West. Secondly, it is even harder in a country ravaged by war and a dictator over the last 50 years. Now that the US has accomplished it's goal, will it now move onto another country (say the Congo perhaps where militias are running wild and women are gang raped on a daily basis) to institute democracy and freedom there? Ideally that's what it should do if its sole goal is to promote freedom and democracy and stop terror. But the reality is, the US gains nothing from the Congo so the mass destruction and gang rapes will continue unchecked.

Such a sad state of affairs in the world!


  • I didn't know about congo!
    would u please revisit the congo case?
    i can learn about congo from net but i would like 2 know your feelings/impressions on congo affair more.
    ya it's really sad.

    By Blogger f, at 4:55 PM  

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