Simple Ramblings of a Mad Woman

Sunday, January 16, 2005

Interview Updates

As much as I would have loved to post daily updates, it was impossible. I'm surprised I had time to shower and shit everyday, that's how crazy busy things were.

So Tuesday I drove to London. Had dinner with my friend. Everything was great. Wednesday went to UWO and saw 4 of my classmates in the waiting room....I was so glad. We spent the whole day joking around. They had a lunch presentation. And gave us lunch (wraps and stuff). Obviously, being the complete moron that I am, I spilled something on myself. Mike (classmate) dropped his can of coke and spent a lot of time trying to open it without it spraying everywhere. When he opened it, nothing happened. So then I decide to hold my plastic bottle of sparkling flavored water between my legs while balancing a plate in one hand and trying to open the bottle with the other. And lo and behold, the water comes spraying out all over my pants. Thank god I had a suit made from some mutant type of fabric and the water just rolled off!!! This is what I get for trying to drink water instead of good old pepsi/coke.

Anyhow, interview went well (I think). Some hard questions. Standardized questions (which I hate). The doc and the resident told me I did great. But who knows what that means. I've been told not to put too much weight into what I am told.

That night I went to the pub night to mingle with the residents. 4 of us 5 queens students were there. We found a table with food and basically ate like pigs b/c we were all so starved. But it was fun. Saw a resident I had worked with. Got to talk to a couple more. Still #2 on my list of places to rank.

That night I drove back to Toronto at 9 pm. The fog was so thick I could not see a foot ahead of me in the car. Nitasha (my friend) had the job of looking in the rear view mirror while I kept my yes on the road. Nobody checked my blind spots the whole way back :P The scariest driving situation I have ever been in. Felt like I was driving in a dark abyss. Go home at 11 pm, Wednesdat night. I forgot my binder in London with all my Ottawa information. Went to bed at 12:30 after printing everything out again.


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