Simple Ramblings of a Mad Woman

Monday, December 13, 2004


So I had my first residency interview Queens. And can I tell, I cannot stop rambling at times!

I walk in and it's one of my own referees (he wrote one of my reference letters). The resident goes to me, oh his letter is not in your application. I accidently selected the wrong letter when I submitted the stuff (ARGH)...what a way to start my interview :P

Anyhow, I think I covered well. And I told the resident later on at lunch that I ended up assigning the right letter that afternoon (even though it was too late).

So one interview down...2 more confirmed...waiting to hear back from 10 more programs. God I hate this process (too much stress. I barely slept last night b/c of the damn stress). Hopefully for other interviews, I'll have time to see other parts of Canada!!!

Will provide better updates as they come. So everyone can see how I put my foot in my mouth and make an ass of myself :P


  • hey u! good luck with all the interviews - i know u probably kicked ass! :D where else will u be interviewing?

    By Blogger F.S.Kabir, at 11:00 PM  

  • so far the following have said yes:
    queens (internal medicine and neurology)
    ottawa (internal medicine and neurology)
    toronto (neurology)
    dalhousie (internal)
    calgary (internal)
    western (internal)
    mac (internal)
    mcgill--haven't heard yes or no yet
    toronto/edmonton/UBC internal: up urs u f*(#E$S!~...who wants to go there anyways :P

    hope u are having fun at bangladesh (sounds like it is interesting). we definitely have to meet up when u get back!

    By Blogger Anokhi, at 12:47 PM  

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