Simple Ramblings of a Mad Woman

Friday, January 28, 2005

Interview Updates...Crazy Week #2

So after a week off and celebrating eid, I flew to Calgary last Sunday. Flight to Edmonton was unremarkable. Flight from Edmonton to Calgary though...well let's see. First time in my life I walked out onto the air strip or whatever it is called to board my plane (like in the movies). Had to put my CARRY ON baggage in the back of the plane and climb up rickety stairs. 50 seats on the plane. And you could feel the thing rotating in the wings (during take off, the flight AND during the landing). God I'd arrived in hicks ville. The whole damn place looked flat from the sky.

Stayed in a hotel at the edge of downtown. Right outside you could get onto the Calgary Transit (the "train" was above ground) and it was FREE through dowtown.

My Dalhousie interview took place on Monday in Calgary (they hold them in Halifax and Calgary). Went ok I think. Finished by 9:30 am.

I had two full days to kill before my Calgary interview on Wednesday. Thought I'd do a tour of Banff but when I called they told me there are none leaving from Calgary and I'd have to arrive in Banff on my own to do the frozen waterfall tour. Dumb bastards.

So I spent two days shopping. Bought a purse. And realized even more that I will die before I move to Calgary. No vegetarian options on most menus. (I hadn't eaten veggies in days!). Most of the beef (surprise surprise..Alberta). And I dont' like red meat.

Tuesday night a classmate/friend arrives for her interview and we are staying at the same hotel. Had dinner together. The next day I realize a bunch of people from my class are there so we had a blast. Went out for lunch and dinner and drinks. Caught the red eye back to TO (flight left Calgary 12:30 am and arrived in TO 6 am Toronto time). Got two hours of sleep ( I was awakened by my flight attendant in between so she could give me my kosher meal...stupid idiot). When I got home, my mom's 4 day care kids were home and the youngest 18 month old wasn't feeling well b/c of his asthma and spent the morning crying (hence very little sleep).

Anyhow, I survived. Had my U of T neuro interview on Friday. Was mediocre. I so don't fit in there and it was obvious. For the first time in my life I will get to say "up yours u of t, I don't want u even though u want me!!" (I was one of 12 people interviewed for neuro for 3 spots. As the program director told us "You all are the best of the best, the cream of the crop" :P

Let's see how the match goes. Will know where I will be in March. If I don't get a spot, then it's applying all over again and probably being forced to take a family medicine spot. Regardless, even if that happens I will do my best to switch into internal.

This batch of interview stories wasn't at interesting but hey, felt like sharing anyways!


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