Simple Ramblings of a Mad Woman

Friday, November 26, 2004

Being Pissed off

So it's been about 2 weeks...I've been on Labor and Delivery...and I've been getting more and more pissed.

Sucks eh? I, who used to be a much happier person, seems to have become more and more cynical and more and more pissed off.

Just when things seem to be settling down and getting gets worse again.

What I wouldn't give to go away somewhere...forget about everything...

I wish I was a dumb ditzy blond type...who really had no real thoughts that just kept racing through our heads...but life doesn't work out that way does it?

OH and I'm NEVER having kids...from the number of C sections and vaginal births I've seen, I think women are CRAZY to go through that...I truly believe now taht if men gave birth, we would never have gotten past Adam's first child!

anyhow...felt like I had to rant and rave


  • i hope things get better! I know what you mean about wishing to be a simpleton --- i wish i had enough money so I wouldn't have to think (beyond what to wear and where to go eat) for a living.

    By Blogger F.S.Kabir, at 11:32 PM  

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