Simple Ramblings of a Mad Woman

Saturday, November 20, 2004

The most important thing in a woman's life is....

So I went home for Eid weekend...and realized quickly that the topic of conversation the whole bloody weekend was going to be two things: My single status and my weight status. I think if one more person commented on either, I would have shot them. It go so bad, that even though I have weekends off that are coming up, I do not want to go home. Why does every single girl have to be a stick figure whose whole purpose in life is to find a man? Probably the worst moment was when my 16 year old cousin slipped out that apparently I have been the conversation of discussions between her mom and my other aunt and they tell her that you should get married at a young age, otherwise she will turn into me. A 26 year old who is still single (I didn't realize I was so old that I was no longer desirable). Apparently, girls my age must be lonely and need a man to get anywhere in life (well except Sadiya Baji of course who has made her own life).

It seems that it is not enough that I am an intelligent, independent successful woman who is experiencing life to the fullest and has done things and has opportunities and doors open that others only dream of. All these points are muted by the fact that I am still single and hence a creature to be pitied. But the girl who is married to an asshole is to be pitied as well but it's still better because she has a man in her life.

One thing I hate more than anything in the world is to be pitied. I bloody well did not sit on my ass and cry over the hardships of life simply for that was a huge motivator for me to do something to make something of my life. I could not believe the nerve of these people. If they are so damned concerned, then perhaps they need to get off their huge asses and do something about it. I cannot stand people who love to analyze and discuss things to no end, but will not get involved to change things...this is what they do in their own life as well. My one aunt even had the ball to tell me to only dress in western clothes because it makes me look smaller (with the implication being that it will be easier to find a man). ARGH

I am so damn pissed off. I am tired of being nice to people while fending off these questions. I am so tempted to tell some of them to go mind their own business and if they are that concerned then they should introduce me to people. My dad made some comment about my singledom as well and I just lost it and told him what is it that you all want me to do about it? It's not like a man is gonna drop out of the sky and land in front of me with a sign on his forehead "Sadiya's future husband". For someone who is not making the situation any better, and if anything is making it worse by acting like an asshole to the rest of the world, he really has no right to say anything.

I am so not looking forward to December-January, when I have to be in Toronto for a whole 6 weeks.

Fucking shit.


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