Simple Ramblings of a Mad Woman

Sunday, February 12, 2006

In the Spirit of Valentine's Day

Just some tidbits and interesting things I thought I'd post. This is all heresay obviously as my love life is non-existent :)

1) Aphrodisiacs:
a) MASTIC TREE: An evergreen with red or black berries. The ancient Arabic love manual The Perfumed Garden advises readers to "take fruit of the mastic tree (derou), pound them and macerate them with oil and honey; then drink of the liquid first thing in the morning: you will thus become vigorous for the coitus, and there will be abundance of sperm produced."
b) NUTMEG: In India, mixed with honey and a half-boiled egg, then taken one hour before lovemaking. (Them must work...they have like a billion people in the country!)
c) SPANISH FLY: Made from the dried-out bodies of beetles; works by "stimulating" the urinary track; can be dangerous.

2) Dating:
a) there is now a dating website for every imaginable it based on sexual desires, religion, culture, first generation cultures, etc. etc. Even people who say they are not on a website, are on a website...they are lying if they say they are not. Some are for people looking to get married, others are for "friendship" (now on a south asian website that's code for one of two things: I'm so horny I needed a wife yesterday OR I need a girlfriend/boyfriend but am too chicken to actually say that b/c it's taboo). There is even a website for women looking to date men who will be their sugar daddies (I'm not kidding). Rich men (I think you need to make at least a million bucks a year) post their profiles up and women pay the website for registration so they can contact them.
b) people play games, even if they say they don't anymore, no matter what the age. Men and women really are from different planets. We really don't know what the other is thinking and we will never know. I wonder how it works for the transgendered...does their being members of both sexes at different parts of their lives give them more insight? Hmmm...

3) Love
a) If you google the word love, 546,000,000 entries come up. The first is a "love calculator" designed to calculate the chance that two people will be successful. You also get "" and "".
b) You really can love someone but not be "in love" with them.
c) When many women are in love, they turn off that part of the brain where their logic resides.
d) Not sure I believe that there is one true love for every person. I think a lot of it is timing, state of mind and opportunity. But then again, what do I know...I could be completely wrong.

4) Sex, etc.
a) my sister sometimes reads this blog so you'll just have to hear my comments about this in person :)


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