Simple Ramblings of a Mad Woman

Monday, December 19, 2005


I've had many people ask me what my shopping secrets most you know, I like nice things but can't pay top dollar for them. Thought I'd post a few things here to see if they can help others. Alternatively, I am more than happy to go shopping with you and spend UR money :P

1) Go often and for short periods of time. I get frustrated after about 1.5 hours or so unless I am specifically looking for something. You don't always have to buy something when you go.

2) Always have a running list of stuff in ur head (or ur purse) of what you need (ex socks, undies, tank tops, etc). Keep an eye out for it and buy it when u find something that you like.

3) Basics: very important to not only have them in ur wardrobe but also keep replenishing them. Remember, these are the things that you use most and will wear out faster. If they are on sale, even if you just bought some, get them! The worst is having to pay regular price for something you need at the last minute when you could have gotten it on sale. Some basics I reccomend every girl have:
a) black, white tank tops to wear under stuff
b) a few nice black pants/skirts that you can dress up and down
c) a few good pair of tights
d) good bras: white, black and skin color. If you wear sleeveless, have some
that can become strapless
e) if you needed, tummy slimmers/push up bra
f) a really hot pair of bra and undies that make U feel good even if nobody
else is going to see it

4) If you absolutely fall in love with it, JUST BUY IT! If you are like me, you are
going to think about it over and over again and then when you go back it's gonna be gone. If you really like it, you could wait for a sale :)

5) Trends: do not spend ridiculous amounts of money on very trendy stuff. The trendier or more out there it is, the less you should spend on it. These things don't last long (ie in a season or two you can't wear it any more). Take the extra money and spend it on the basics

6) If you kinda like it but not really or are wavering, leave it. You can always come back for it later

7) For any item of clothing or pairs of shoes you buy, think of at least 3 occasions where you can wear it (and 5 occasions if it is expensive).

8) If it costs $9.99 or less, just buy's worth the price to make your closet look fuller :P

9) Never buy stuff that doesn't fit right unless you are willing to get it altered, especially if it is too small for you. You will NEVER lose that extra 5 lbs to fit into it (trust me). Lose it first then go back and buy it.

10) Know when stores have sales and always check out the clearance racks first. Good times to go: after the 2nd week of January, and the 2nd week of August.

11) Even if it is a store that you normally do not go into, if there is a sale, do a quick sweep through (no more than 5 minutes). You'll be surprised at what you can find!

12) Jewelry: have many pieces, different types and colors. Know the colors in your wardrobe that predominate. If you are buying something to match one thing, don't spend too much on it. This is a great place to experiement and go outside of your box. You can take a very simple outfit and totally dress it up or make it trendy with a piece of jewelry. Plus when u get sick of it, you don't feel bad about not wearing it anymore

That's it for now...if I think of anything more, I'll post it.

As for my life: Same old, same old. Will be very busy the next few months at work but May and June should be nice and light :)


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