Simple Ramblings of a Mad Woman

Monday, January 30, 2006


hmmm...another post in just a few days...i'm bored and getting restless (never a good combination with me)

these are just some random thoughts since I have nothing better to do (and no I'm not manic...)

So my 17 year old sister has been asked to the prom and the guy is willing to pay for her ticket even if she doesn't go with him. Too bad he's a somalian fob.

Why do some people have to put others down or act malicious in order to make themselves feel better? Do they even realize they are doing it?

My sister is now giving me man advice and vice versa...hers, strangely enough, is better than the stuff I tell her

I got $1200 from the gov't I wasn't I don't feel guilty about the vacation I'm hoping to take in April (it'll be a yay almost done 1st year residency plus b-day present to myself)

I wonder what it would be a like to be a dumb, ditzy chick...oblivious to the world and to anything not related to me...

I need a little excitement in my life...not sure what to do with myself. I go stir crazy very easily these days...any suggestions? If the weather was nice, I'd go jump out of a plane or something...


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