Simple Ramblings of a Mad Woman

Sunday, January 01, 2006

The past year...briefly

So it's finally 2006. Next year, will be my 10th high school reunion...although I should feel old, (and people tell me I should as well) I don't. I feel like my life has just begun. :)

I don't make new year's resolutions...I find them pointless. You can't just one day decide to make huge changes in your's a process that you go through. At times you move forward, at times you have setbacks. The idea is to keep trying to move ahead.

Since moving back to TO (well Hamilton, but the amount of time I spend in TO, I might as well live there), many wellwishers have felt the need to give me words of wisdom over the last few months. I'll share some and put my own comments to them.

1) "good things come to those who are patient and wait" perhaps for some people but certainly in my case and the case of my friends, we had to work damn hard for those good things

2) "I know this good boy. I just met him 2 days ago at the gas station. He's very polite, has a good degree from country X and works as a security guard right now. Good family, although I haven't met them yet. He'll be perfect for you" ...enough said

3) "There are no normal people in the world. No such thing. You have to find someone (ie a man) abnormal and fix them" If I wanted to do that, I would have gone into psychiatry...and I don't believe in changing people. Is she saying, that I'm abnormal too??

4) While shopping for an eid suit for my sister, my sister told the store owner, she doesn't wear sleeveless. The store owner said "Good for you. All these young girls wearing sleeveless clothes. No shame. They are all going to hell." Then WHY are YOU selling these clothes if they are the creation of the devil! I tell you, they don't even see the hypocracy when it slaps them in the face.

5) The look on an uncle's face when he saw me after 3 years and realized I'd chopped my hair off and dyed it purple...priceless. He proceeded to tell me I've gone nuts (did he just realize that now) :P

6) "Doctor's can't cook/paint/dance/socialize/ie have a life outside of work" Of course I cook (and I've been told I'm not half bad), I paint, I dance even though I can't dance, I socialize. If anything, I have more of a life than most non-docs that I know. I'm amazed at how surprised people are when they find out that my life is not all about being a they think I live at the hospital or something?

7) "oh beta, you don't live on ur own. U just stay in Hamilton b/c of work. You still "live" with your parents" The lengths some people go to to deny themselves the fact that single, muslim, pakistani girls do live on their own and like it...AND have their own life that is not tied in completely with their parents!

8) "I know this ayurvedic doctor. He has ONE medication for EVERY ailment. It all depends on how you take it. For some things you have to mix it in a tea and drink for other things you have to inhale the fumes of the tea. What do you think is in it?" (this is courtesy of a friend of mine)

9) let's not forget all the ailments every aunty adn uncle come up to me with and ask me to fix.

As I think of more, I'll keep adding to this post.


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