Simple Ramblings of a Mad Woman

Thursday, January 26, 2006


The definition of faith in the dictionary is: (this if of course paraphrased)
"belief", "trust", "confidence"...however there is also an implicit transpersonal relationship with God or another higher power implied in the word faith. Faith is something that cannot be rationally proven or objectively known. It can also be defined as accepting something as true at face value.

It's amazing how humans, despite having the ability to think, reason, analyze, have logic, etc. still continue to have blind faith in things. Whether it is in a God, or in karma/fate, in people, in an inanimate object, most people have faith in something. Sometimes the only thing they have faith in is themselves. And yet, through our most darkest and difficult times, it is our faith that gets us through it...when nothing else makes sense, when things are not as they should be, when we cannot understand the "why" behind who/what/when/etc., most of us cling to our faith. And perhaps one of the worst feelings in the world is when our faith is shaken or dare I say, even shattered. B/c then what do you hold onto and what do you fall back on? Faith in whatever allows us to have that blind trust that psychologically provides us with answers when nothing/noone else does. And even if it doesn't provide us with answers, it provides us with mental relief...something to hang your hat on when nothing else makes sense. It amazes me that for some people, their faith is so strong that no matter what happens they hang on. Almost like a piece of wood floating in the water that the drowning man hangs onto.

I can't remember the number of times my faith in various things has been shaken...shaken to the point that I even questioned myself for having faith in anything. Now, I refuse to let my inherent blind trust in certain things go...and it's just out of shear stubborness. I refuse to let the world/people/events etc. shake my belief system. Maybe it is my pathetic attempt to let go of some of the things that cause me mental anguish...perhaps, but at least I have something to hang MY hat on. And if it allows me to make some sense of this confusing world, so be it.


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