Simple Ramblings of a Mad Woman

Friday, April 22, 2005

so it comes to an end...

Today was my last day of medical school (officially; next week is an informal review week for our mega exam).

It's hard to put into words what I'm feeling. It feel so surreal. Part of me cannot believe that it's been 5 years since I applied, 4 years since I got in and am now done. When people ask me what I do, I now have a real career to point to. It's scary but exciting. Although I will still have exams to write and some lectures to attend every week, it'll be more like on the job training. There is such a relief that I made it through the bulk of it. I survived all the situations thrown at me. I learned a lot about myself and a lot more about other people. Although, not all my realizations about the world and people were positive, overall, there is nothing I would change about the experience.

I guess a new chapter of my life is beginning now...wonder what life has in store for me next? :)


  • Congrats hon!

    Only more wonderful things ahead of you now :)

    So proud of you,

    By Blogger Tazzy, at 9:23 AM  

  • D R dr. a..

    this is fakrul. I'm the executive editor of The Economic and political review, a weekly magazine from Dhaka expected 2 hit stands in Early May.
    I've just gone through a few of your post and as u can guess liked them a lot.
    we'd really like 2 write 4 us ..weekly/ every alternate week column..alternatively, we'd luv 2 reprint your blogs as a column in our maga, with proper credit and web link..
    we'll have a web version and i would forward u the url once it's up,
    we r also ready 2 send u a hard copy.
    take care
    and keep blogging
    our contact--

    By Blogger f, at 6:07 AM  

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