Simple Ramblings of a Mad Woman

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Inappropriate Behavior

I was just hanging out with a friend today and somehow the conversation turned to inappropriate behavior in the workplace...or at least what I (& my friend) perceived to be inappropriate behavior. I recalled an incident whereby somone in a position of authority that I was working with was acting a little inappropriately in my opinion. Although he never said anything or overtly did anything, he would always make an active effort to be in what I call my personal space...even when I would casually move back, he would continue to lean and and make sure our legs touched and what not. He never even looked at me in a creepy way but always made an effort to be very close to me when we worked together, even when there was no need to. I always used to think that if I was ever in a position where I felt uncomfortable, that I would say something. After all I am an educated, outspoken woman...why wouldn't I? But in this situation, I really didn't feel I could say something, especially since everything was very very subtle. In addition, our professional relationship was such that I was a visiting student in his workplace and he would be evaluating me on my performance, which made it even more difficult to say something. Since it came up again today, I wonder if I maybe should have said something...and I wonder how much I would let pass before I say something in the future....scary things to think about.


  • You are not alone girl.
    I was discussing with my supervisor about the sexual harassment case brought by a PhD student against a neurosurgeron (Micheal Fehling) at the TWH that was publicized on the Star earlier this month. In this case, there is some suspicion that there was initial consensual involvement on the part of the Grad Student who brought the case, and the affair just went wrong with time. But regardless, as my supervisor had said, it would ALWAYS be inappropiate for someone in a authoritarian position to get involved with a subbordinate. The student, in this case, in the end lost access to all her years of research when the case was made public where as the doctor is still working (though losing credibility as a supervisor). So I dont know what to advice for your case. It is RIGHTfully very inappropiate behaviour on his part. But I aslo agree that its too subtle to provide any evidence/witness which you will have to do should things get worse and you need to file a report. I wonder if there is someone else in the department you can speak to before taking a formal step. I'd hate to see you endure this any longer. Keep me posted hon. Hugs.

    By Blogger Tazzy, at 8:52 AM  

  • u were lucky it didn't go far...
    in future no matter how subtle the "inappropriate" moves r u should speak out. Don't think about what would b the consequences if u do speak out instead think about the consequences if u don't
    anyway, it's a sad post 2 read.
    I wish u all the best.

    By Blogger f, at 5:08 PM  

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