Simple Ramblings of a Mad Woman

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Almost Post Call Ramblings

So I'm almost post call...about 53 minutes to go. I started my call at 5 pm and it's about 8:07 am. Lasts until 9 am b/c it's a weekend (otherwise I have to work till noon).

This is how my night went.

Call starts...get handover from the team during the day...forgot to get the code pager...went back for it. Started to grab dinner but got called by a nurse to see a patient who is quite sick...started looking after him...never managed to get dinner. As I'm moving him to a more monitored bed in the emerg, I get referred another patient who is so sick that had he not come in he would have died. He needs all kinds of procedures done so supervising managing the first patient who is getting sicker...his breathing is getting worse. All the while I am also eye balling other patients that are getting referred to our service.

The juniors are seeing the other patients and working them up. I am still looking after the sick patients. No ICU bed for the sicker of the two...called out...get a bed about an hour and a half away from the city...the ambulance will have a nurse but no doc/paramedic to handle the life threatening stuff....need to call air transport and have him taken by helicopter.

All the while still looking after the other sick patient and trying to triage the other referrals appropriately. Now have to go pee but no time to go.

Finally, around 11:30 pm, things settle down...have only managed the two other sick patients. Have not reviewed all the other referrals that were already seen. Have dinner (which some awesome junior ordered in really good greasy chinese food)...first pee (2.5 hours after I first had to pee) reviewing my consult from 6 pm at 12:30 am.

The ICU patient's helicopter arrives. they want him on life that. Then the other sick patient gets sick again...treat him. FInally he settles down and the other one leaves.

Get another sick patient but luckily his problem is surgical and they take over.

Now it's 3 am.

Sit to review the other patients (1st time I sit all night). Get more referrals. One needs another procedure...supervise that (takes a while). While doing that, admit another patient myself.

It's 5:45 am. Get to brush my teeth (YAY) and have a crispy crunch for breakfast. Review with staff from 6 am to 7:30 am (keep getting interrupted). Call ends at 9 am...done but have to stay in case of code. Tidy up the sick patient from the night before. Call their staff to update.

It's now 8:15 am...writing on my blog. Have checked email and facebook.

45 more minutes to go. Hopefully can relax a bit now.

My arms are sore, my legs are sore. I have peed twice since 5 pm last night. My eyes are blood shot.

Need to drive to Toronto after this.

This is my story...almost post call.


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