Simple Ramblings of a Mad Woman

Sunday, March 26, 2006


It's easy to become arrogant about one's accomplishments, looks, material wealth, etc. but I never realized until now that it is easy to become arrogant about the relationships in your life. I've, for the longest time, have would go on about my amazing friends and my relationship with them. Now I sadly realize that I had become arrogant about my perception of how good our relationship is. I like to think I don't brag about things (and in reflection, realize how false that is), I would brag about my friends and my friendships. With this arrogance came a complacency about the need to work on that relationship...I failed to ask if everything was ok...I failed to notice when things were bothering them, thinking they would just tell me. Even when I did notice, I quickly forgot, thinking well, they know me well enough to know that my heart is pure.

And in being arrogant about the security of my friendships, I didn't see the subtle things that I should have seen. It gave me a false sense of security that things will always be great.

Arrogance, in any shape or form, is a destructive thing and unfortunately prevents you from having the insight into how destructive it really is.

life's funny ways

Life has this funny way of hitting you over the head with reality just when you least expect it. There always seems to be something that comes out of nowhere to balance whatever else is going on. If things are rough, then good things (even though they may be small) happen. If things are going really well, then bad things happen. I guess in the end, life would be boring if it was all good or all bad all the time. You need a curve ball once in a while to keep you on your toes.

Saturday, March 04, 2006


I was just going through my previous blog entries & came to realize just how many of them had references to my singledom and all the issues surrounding it. God I'm embarassed! Even entries having nothing to do with that, had references to it. It's amazing that even though you know certain issues are a priority in your life, you can lack the insight into just how much of a preoccupation they are!

We all like to think we are well balanced people...and it's scary sometimes how much the balance is tilted in one direction and we may not know it. What makes it worse if the people that surround you are also preoccupied with something similar.

Anyhow, just wanted to write a short one today.
