Simple Ramblings of a Mad Woman

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

I've come to realize (yet again) that I'm one of those people who absolutely needs to have a busy life in order to be productive and get things done. I've aslo realized I am a "to-do" list person. I've been trying to avoid the list the last few months and it does'nt work. I procrastinate over the dumbest things (like hanging the picture I bought for my bedoom 6weeks's still sitting leaning up against the wall I wanted to put it on. At least I have it).

This past month has been the lightest for me with respect to work and time off in I can't remember how long. Had 6 scheduled days off...had many days where I finished work by 1 or 2 pm (unheard of in my job) and spent countless weeknights and most of my weekends in TO.

For the first couple of days of this week I had off (I wasn't assignmed to any OR and all of them had residents already so I came home) and yet I still did not get things done that I easily could have gotten done. The minute I made a list though, I got about half of them done.

A few realizations over the past month...some old ones just reinforced, some new ones.
1) too much free time on my hands and I think way too much about dumb ass things.
2) too much free time on my hands, and I get nothing done
3) my attention span is improving, albeit very slowly :P
4) I absolutely LOVE downtown TO...and am actually considering moving there once my lease is up in Hamilton. I just have to see what the winter is like and what the cost in time and money will be of commuting and living there.
5) Although I love my appartment here, I barely spend any time at home. I hate coming home to a beautiful yet empty home.
6) I love to have some free time on my hands but too much makes me go nuts
7) I have fantastic friends that I wouldn't trade for the world and whom I don't thank enough.
8) If you are content with who you are and where you are in your life, then things that previously had a great negative impact on you, cease to do so. You can face any challenge or obstacle with more grace and without it affecting your sense of self worth. As such, all that negative energy no longer drains you. It's a very refreshing feeling.
9) After a very long time, I am finally content and living life for myself. It's a great feeling :)
10) enough sappiness for one day...that's all you are going to get from me in a while :P


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