Simple Ramblings of a Mad Woman

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

interesting random musings yet again

this is the week of contemplation...

probably b/c last week I worked 105hours (no joke) so I've left all the contemplating to this week (well until I'm on call Thursday I guess).

first and foremost...I might have mentioned the really hot radiologist where I work...that beautiful man, even with his subtle lisp, is just scrumtious to look at. I find out today he's married. My response, well if I make him Muslim he can marry 3 more (including me!)... does that smell of desparation or what

I met up with some friends of mine on the weekend post call...saw an acquaintance I hadn't seen in a while. I thought I had it bad with the introductions to random fobs...apparently not. Not only does she have to endure one meeting...but three! and in teh last one (which was a family dinner at a restaurant with her family and his uncle and aunt) HER mom ended up why does a nice, normal girl like her keep meetin random, idiotic fobs with no social skills?

Speaking of fobs, I've said many times in teh past, I am a FOB a lot of you think I'm joking. I'm not. Even online, all I see to attract are can someone tell me WHAT is it that I am doing to deserve this??? Like am I a closet fob and just am in complete denial?

Although my new thing is I meet either a) younger guyz who are almost mature but not quite or b) almost non-FOBs (ie been here long enough to almost have gotten rid of all their fobness) but who thing they are players...

I'm attracted to men (not boys) who are very confident and self assured without being cocky... and there is a major shortage of such guyz in my community (at least in my experience)...if you think that I'm wrong and have an example to prove me wrong, please share!

Is it a bad thing that I no longer feel guilty about all the things I do that I shouldn't be doing???

Oh and I need a life...this work/eat/sleep thing is getting a bit overrated :P

also need to read a good book...any suggestions?

Monday, August 01, 2005

Box...rather Bag of Memories

I still haven't finished unpacking (laziness I guess). I went through another box and found a small bag full of cards I have accumulated over the years (b-day, grads, thank you cards, wedding invitations etc.) Since I am trying to get rid of all the junk I have gathered, I started sorting through them.

For some odd reason, not only do I keep the cards, I also keep their envelopes...even though 99% of them are just blank, non-descript envelopes with just my name on them. Those were the first to go.

Then I started going through the cards...found a few wedding invitations of people I don't know (I guess my parents knew their parents at some point). Those went straight in the garbage.

Found some bday cards etc of people I have not kept in touch with for the past 10 years ( reminded me of how old I am).

Found a letter from a friend who had been in crises and left Canada to go back to her home it again...couldn't remember what half the things she was talking about were originally about!!! Can't decide if I should toss it or not...both of us are in very different places in our lives now and it isn't really relevant anymore...but not many people have written me letters in their l ives, so I might just keep it for the sake of saying I have letters that people have written me. ;)

Found a bday card and a seasons greeting card and I do not recognize either name on them...I've racked my brain trying to remember who these people were...nothing!!! It's so sad...not only can I not recall a face, I don't even recognize their names. If someone mentioned something to me about them, I'd just view them as strangers.

Also found cards from close friends who have references to some of past "happenings"... reminded me, how worked up we got as young gals over dumb ass things. (Now we just get worked up period :P)

And some are just down right corny/cheezy and sappy!!!

Got rid of about 1/4 of them. Don't have the heart to throw out the rest. Although I think I will buy a nice box from ikea or somethingand put them in that instead of a old plastic bag :P
