Simple Ramblings of a Mad Woman

Thursday, June 30, 2005

random update of my boring life

Felt like posting something so here is something random

Met my fellow first year residents in internal medicine today...recognized a few from the interviews...there are about 5-6 guys, 20 girls...of those 20 girls,i would say 6 or so are brown (no joke)...most ppl seemed nice but also knew each other b/c the majority of them are from mac

FYI: guys should NEVER EVER wear super tight tight dress pants and a tunic style top that is a bit too short, especially to ur program director's house...with the heat and humidity I'm sure his "buddies" there were screaming to get out!

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Hair Fix

What is this fixation with brown women (and some men) and long, flowing, thick over the top hair??? Don't they realize that really long, flowing thick hair is unmanageable, takes WAY too much time to wash and dry, is usually frizzy and makes everyone look like a fob?? Most of us have that wierd wave in our hair that, when brushed out, gives us a pseudo-afro. Those girls who have the very long straight perfect hair most likely have no life and spend hours straightening it and what not. Then there are the few like one of my friend's whose name I will not mention, who has naturally straight, perfectly falling hair. If she were to grow it out, it would still look amazing with no effort. Not fair! :P

Over the past few months there are some people who cannot seem to let go of the fact that my wonderful genius of a hairdresser (I think he's a genius), thinned out the bottom of my hair so that when I leave it in its natural state, I do not have a pyramid shaped hair cut (mind you, in its natural state I look like farah faucette (sp??) did with bangs but that's another rant). These are the same ladies who before this could not get over the fact that I chopped off my butt long hair (have U tried taking care of that??? god what a whole house was filled with hair...YUCK). They keep reiterating, with their pity filled voices, that I've "lost" all my hair, poor me...I must feel terrible. Must be the stress. "put some oil in it beta" (imagine the paki accent when u read that). PEOPLE...I HAD IT DONE SO I WOULD NOT LOOK LIKE A FOB AND MY HAIR WOULD LOOK MODERN LIKE IT SHOULD! God they just can't seem to get that through their head. Move have left the motherland...even there people have moved on and most people get mdoern haircuts. Besides, oil does NOTHING for hair...HAIR IS cannot be moisturized, split ends do not mysteriously disappear. Mind you, an oil massage is good for the scalp (like any massage in any other part of the body) but it is not the oil people, it is the massaging motion! Try explaining that to aunties and you get "oh beta, vat do you know? ve have been doing this for generations. oil is good for de hair" ARGH


Since I've had all this free time on my hands, I've been over analyzing every aspect of life in general and have come to this conclusion.

Life, for the most part, is full of shit. You cannot control what happens to you or what people around you do/act like. The only thing you have complete control over is your own actions and reactions to life. Getting stressed out over other people's behavior and things that happen to you is just wasting valuable energy that can be used in better ways.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

West Coast Trip and more

So finally back from my trip out west. Let's just say it's been a long 2 weeks. Drove 2500 km on my trip then drove 700 km from TO to Kingston to Hamilton back to TO.

Flew there on a Monday..7 am flight (ARGH) there around 10 am Vancouver time, rented a car and drove for like 8 hours that day with stops. On the way we stopped at the Enchanted Forest (a Must see for tourists especially those with kids or those who are kids at heart). It's a small place where this artist made fairy tale characters out of paper machier and has them set up all over an area of the forest. A huge tree house (which you can climb up)...very cute. We also stopped at Crazy Creek off the highway which had a suspension bridge. My friend Tas and my sis were too afraid to go on that so we didn't. But I stood at the edge of the highway and got some great pics (with trucks zooming by inches away from me...scared the crap out of my co-travellers :P). Spent the night in Revelstoke. Some random place off the trans canada highway...turned out to be a really cute, quaint, clean town...surrounded by mountains. During the night we heard what I thought was someone coming in to our motel room and playing with the blinds and was just Tas' batteries exploding in her charger. I guess the lamp I grabbed to use to defend us wasn't that useful after all. The batteries continued to explode after they were removed from the charger and put outside.

From there we made our way to Banff the next day...touristy...cute. Saw mountain goats which walked right up to our car. Did half of an hour long hike (i find hikes very anti-climactic). Spent the night in Canmore, 15 minutes hick town. But saw a very pretty and bright rainbow there against the mountains. Sigh...

Drove slowly to Jasper. Did a hike on the way off the highway to a pretty waterfall. Saw glaciers (needed a winter coat). Did some very scary windy driving up and down a bunch of mountains. Driving at 150 km/hr on a two lane highway on the mountain with no shoulder guards I passed 5 huge trucks driving in a row, pissing me off b/c they were so slow. That was fun! Saw lots of lakes and rivers, ranging from seafoam green, emerald green, blue and grey. ALso saw lots of waterfalls.

Onto Jasper. Spent 2 nights in a fairly old hostel. 36 ppl to a room. Shared Bathrooms. Jasper is super boring. Did white water rafting there (lots of fun), Tas did some bollywood style dancing in the forest in front of a lake and trees. Saw elk, deer, etc. etc.

Went to Lake Louise. Awesome hostel there with fantastic food. Tas had salmon, I had a fish burger and my sis had mac & cheese...all wonderful. (first bit of really good food on the trip). no need to spend more than half a day there though...boring city. Did see lake louise and morraine lake. very pretty.

Next day drove 8 hours and reached vancouver. spent 2 nights in a sketchy hostel with mice. ate awesome sushi. went to victoria for the day for whale watching...saw many, many whales. Although the trip was spoiled by the fact we had some very very good but really really spicy food at a thai place...and had to drink lots of water before getting on the zodiac. and then these ppl were stranded in the middle of the ocean with no gas and we had to wait for an hour with the boat till the coast guard came. so our three hour tirp turned into four hours...with a very full bladder and a rocky ocean (and rain hitting us in the face)...not fun at all :P but unforgettable nonetheless.

The last 2 days in vacouver were spent in a nice hotel (listel vancouver...great downtown location, reasonably priced, highly reccomend it). went to stanely park and granville island. had more sushi. then the next day caught our 6 am flight back to TO.

The day after arriving back in TO, my whole family went to Kingston for an awards ceremony and convocation. Very anti-climactic. Packed up my place. Movers came on Sunday...moved everything to hamilton, dumped it there and came back to TO.

next day, leased a car (YAY my first one) I'm just looking for car insurance.

All this in 16 days. I have a month with almost nothing to do! :P
