Simple Ramblings of a Mad Woman

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Hair Fix

What is this fixation with brown women (and some men) and long, flowing, thick over the top hair??? Don't they realize that really long, flowing thick hair is unmanageable, takes WAY too much time to wash and dry, is usually frizzy and makes everyone look like a fob?? Most of us have that wierd wave in our hair that, when brushed out, gives us a pseudo-afro. Those girls who have the very long straight perfect hair most likely have no life and spend hours straightening it and what not. Then there are the few like one of my friend's whose name I will not mention, who has naturally straight, perfectly falling hair. If she were to grow it out, it would still look amazing with no effort. Not fair! :P

Over the past few months there are some people who cannot seem to let go of the fact that my wonderful genius of a hairdresser (I think he's a genius), thinned out the bottom of my hair so that when I leave it in its natural state, I do not have a pyramid shaped hair cut (mind you, in its natural state I look like farah faucette (sp??) did with bangs but that's another rant). These are the same ladies who before this could not get over the fact that I chopped off my butt long hair (have U tried taking care of that??? god what a whole house was filled with hair...YUCK). They keep reiterating, with their pity filled voices, that I've "lost" all my hair, poor me...I must feel terrible. Must be the stress. "put some oil in it beta" (imagine the paki accent when u read that). PEOPLE...I HAD IT DONE SO I WOULD NOT LOOK LIKE A FOB AND MY HAIR WOULD LOOK MODERN LIKE IT SHOULD! God they just can't seem to get that through their head. Move have left the motherland...even there people have moved on and most people get mdoern haircuts. Besides, oil does NOTHING for hair...HAIR IS cannot be moisturized, split ends do not mysteriously disappear. Mind you, an oil massage is good for the scalp (like any massage in any other part of the body) but it is not the oil people, it is the massaging motion! Try explaining that to aunties and you get "oh beta, vat do you know? ve have been doing this for generations. oil is good for de hair" ARGH


  • ahhaahhahahahaah thanks for the laugh, sadia - i was having a shitty hair day till i read tis post :D

    By Blogger F.S.Kabir, at 9:39 AM  

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