Simple Ramblings of a Mad Woman

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Been A Long While

It's been over a month since I updated my blog...kinda sad considering that since the beginning of May I've had the lightest rotation possible at work. While work has calmed down, my life is more hectic than ever.

So a quick rundown of what's happened in the last few month: met a fabulous guy. He met my parents a couple of weeks ago (see future blog for how that went). Still haven't gone to the gym. Thinking more and more about it though (it's a start :P). Actually a couple of my good friends have also met great guyz/have taken their exisiting relationships to a new level.

Lessons learned in the past few months:
1) While it's important to make an effort and seize opportunities, there is no point getting overly worked up. Things happen when you least expect it (yeah I know...very cliche but I realize that it's very true)

2) With each person you meet/interact with , you learn something about yourself so long as you take the time to reflect on.

3) I tend to ignore the "not so perfect" things about people, especially my friends. Perhaps the better strategy is to make note of it and file it away instead so you are aware of them. It'll only help you connect with people more.

4) My mind runs a 100 miles an hour...need to slow it down and think about what I will say at times before it comes flying out of my mouth :)

5) Didn't realize how big of a cheese I was until I met "A". It's nice

That's it for now...will try to write more in the next few days
