Simple Ramblings of a Mad Woman

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Double Standards

Over the last few days I've been watching coverage of the Mary Kay Letourno (?sp) and her fiance's wedding. Entertainment tonight (or one of those tv tabloid shows) is covering their wedding preps and their wedding on TV. They show a part of an interview every night along with them shopping for a wedding gown and tux etc. If you don't remember who they are, this is the high school teacher who went to jail for 7 or 8 years because she slept with her then 12 year old student and was just released recently. In addition they have 2 children together, both under 7 years old.

Is it only me or does anyone else find this truly disturbing? Now I have no problem with older women marrying younger men (hey the Prophet married someone much older than him). But if the tables were turned in this case (ie a male teacher and a female student) there would be a huge uproar about this marriage and it would be called sexual abuse, he is controlling her, etc. etc. In this case, instead, the media is glamorizing their relationship and almost saying it is ok for a teacher to sleep with her 12 year old student, have him father her child, go to jail for it and then marry him.

Very disturbing at what the media is portraying as an "almost" ok thing to do. What's worse, she wants to go back and teach. She doesn't really think that she did anything wrong....HELLO...she's a bloody child molestor and rapist! She needs to be registered as a sex offender (if she hasn't been already)...

God, the double standard makes my blood boil!
